added primitive issue comment editing
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ UPGRADING FROM 0.2.0
mysql> ALTER TABLE project ADD COLUMN (codecharset VARCHAR(32));
mysql> DROP TABLE issue_attachment;
mysql> create the issue_file_list table according to the definition found in codepot.mysql
mysql> ALTER TABLE issue_change ADD COLUMN(createdon datetime not null, createdby varchar(32) not null);
mysql> UPDATE issue_change SET createdby=updatedby, createdon=updatedon;
@ -134,7 +134,9 @@ CREATE TABLE issue_change (
priority VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
comment TEXT NOT NULL,
createdby VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
updatedby VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (projectid, id, sno),
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
-- DROP TABLE "cpot_log";
-- DROP TABLE "cpot_code_review";
-- DROP TABLE "cpot_file";
-- DROP TABLE "cpot_issue_change_attachment";
-- DROP TABLE "cpot_issue_change_file_list";
-- DROP TABLE "cpot_issue_change";
-- DROP TABLE "cpot_issue_attachment";
-- DROP TABLE "cpot_issue_file_list";
-- DROP TABLE "cpot_issue";
-- DROP TABLE "cpot_wiki_attachment";
-- DROP TABLE "cpot_wiki";
@ -130,7 +130,9 @@ CREATE TABLE "cpot_issue_change" (
"owner" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
"priority" VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
"comment" CLOB NOT NULL,
"createdby" VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
"updatedby" VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ("projectid", "id", "sno"),
CONSTRAINT issue_update_id FOREIGN KEY ("projectid","id") REFERENCES "cpot_issue"("projectid","id")
@ -152,7 +152,9 @@ CREATE TABLE issue_change (
priority VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
comment TEXT NOT NULL,
createdby VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
updatedby VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (projectid, id, sno),
@ -663,6 +663,67 @@ class Issue extends Controller
print $status;
function xhr_edit_comment ($projectid = '', $issueid = '')
$this->load->model ('ProjectModel', 'projects');
$this->load->model ('IssueModel', 'issues');
$login = $this->login->getUser ();
$revision_saved = -1;
if ($login['id'] == '')
$status = 'error - anonymous user';
$issueid = $this->converter->HexToAscii ($issueid);
$project = $this->projects->get ($projectid);
if ($project === FALSE)
$status = "error - failed to get the project {$projectid}";
else if ($project === NULL)
$status = "error - no such project {$projectid}";
else if (($comment_sno = $this->input->post('issue_edit_comment_sno')) === FALSE || $comment_sno <= 0)
$status = "error - invalid comment number";
else if (!$login['sysadmin?'] &&
/*$this->projects->projectHasMember($projectid, $login['id']) === FALSE &&*/
$this->issues->isIssueChangeCreatedBy($projectid, $issueid, $comment_sno, $login['id']) === FALSE)
$status = "error - comment not created by {$login['id']}";
$text = $this->input->post('issue_edit_comment_text');
if ($text === FALSE ||$text == '')
$status = "error - empty comment text";
if ($this->issues->editComment ($login['id'], $projectid, $issueid, $comment_sno, $text) === FALSE)
$status = 'error - ' . $this->issues->getErrorMessage();
$status = 'ok';
print $status;
// Handling of attached files share the (almost) same code
// between issue.php and wiki.php. It would be way better
@ -884,6 +945,25 @@ class Issue extends Controller
if ($part[2] != '') $filename = $part[2];
else if (count($part) == 2)
//$target => wikiname:attachment
//$target => #I1:file
if ($part[0] != '')
if ($part[0][0] == '#' && $part[0][1] == 'I')
$issueid = substr ($part[0],2);
$wikiname = '';
$wikiname = $part[0];
$issueid = '';
if ($part[1] != '') $filename = $part[1];
if ($wikiname != '')
$this->_handle_wiki_attachment ($login, $projectid, $wikiname, $filename);
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ $lang['ISSUE_PRIORITY_OTHER'] = 'Other';
$lang['ISSUE_MSG_CHANGED_X_TO_Z'] = "Changed <span class='quoted'>%s</span> to <span class='quoted'>%s</span>";
$lang['ISSUE_MSG_CHANGED_X_FROM_Y_TO_Z'] = "Changed <span class='quoted'>%s</span> from <span class='quoted'>%s</span> to <span class='quoted'>%s</span>";
$lang['ISSUE_MSG_CONFIRM_UNDO'] = 'Are you sure to undo the last change?';
$lang['ISSUE_MSG_CREATED'] = 'Created';
$lang['ISSUE_MSG_NO_ISSUES_AVAILABLE'] = 'No outstanding issues';
$lang['ISSUE_MSG_NO_SUCH_ISSUE'] = 'No such issue - %s';
$lang['ISSUE_MSG_TOTAL_NUM_ISSUES'] = 'Total %d issues';
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ $lang['ISSUE_PRIORITY_OTHER'] = '기타';
$lang['ISSUE_MSG_CHANGED_X_TO_Z'] = "<span class='quoted'>%s</span>을/를 <span class='quoted'>%s</span>(으)로 변경";
$lang['ISSUE_MSG_CHANGED_X_FROM_Y_TO_Z'] = "<span class='quoted'>%s</span>을/를 <span class='quoted'>%s</span>에서 <span class='quoted'>%s</span>(으)로 변경";
$lang['ISSUE_MSG_CONFIRM_UNDO'] = '마지막 변경내용을 취소할까요?';
$lang['ISSUE_MSG_CREATED'] = '생성됨';
$lang['ISSUE_MSG_NO_ISSUES_AVAILABLE'] = '처리해야 할 이슈가 없습니다';
$lang['ISSUE_MSG_NO_SUCH_ISSUE'] = '해당 이슈가 없습니다 - %s';
$lang['ISSUE_MSG_TOTAL_NUM_ISSUES'] = '전체 이슈 %d개';
@ -181,6 +181,8 @@ class IssueModel extends Model
function create ($userid, $issue)
$now = codepot_nowtodbdate();
// TODO: check if userid can do this..
$this->db->trans_start ();
@ -206,8 +208,8 @@ class IssueModel extends Model
$this->db->set ('status', $issue->status);
$this->db->set ('owner', $issue->owner);
$this->db->set ('priority', $issue->priority);
$this->db->set ('createdon', codepot_nowtodbdate());
$this->db->set ('updatedon', codepot_nowtodbdate());
$this->db->set ('createdon', $now);
$this->db->set ('updatedon', $now);
$this->db->set ('createdby', $userid);
$this->db->set ('updatedby', $userid);
$this->db->insert ('issue');
@ -220,11 +222,13 @@ class IssueModel extends Model
$this->db->set ('owner', $issue->owner);
$this->db->set ('comment', '');
$this->db->set ('priority', $issue->priority);
$this->db->set ('updatedon', codepot_nowtodbdate());
$this->db->set ('createdon', $now);
$this->db->set ('createdby', $userid);
$this->db->set ('updatedon', $now);
$this->db->set ('updatedby', $userid);
$this->db->insert ('issue_change');
$this->db->set ('createdon', codepot_nowtodbdate());
$this->db->set ('createdon', $now);
$this->db->set ('type', 'issue');
$this->db->set ('action', 'create');
$this->db->set ('projectid', $issue->projectid);
@ -240,16 +244,18 @@ class IssueModel extends Model
function update_partial ($userid, $issue)
$now = codepot_nowtodbdate();
$this->db->trans_start ();
$this->db->where ('projectid', $issue->projectid);
$this->db->where ('id', $issue->id);
$this->db->set ('summary', $issue->summary);
$this->db->set ('description', $issue->description);
$this->db->set ('updatedon', codepot_nowtodbdate());
$this->db->set ('updatedon', $now);
$this->db->set ('updatedby', $userid);
$this->db->update ('issue');
$this->db->set ('createdon', codepot_nowtodbdate());
$this->db->set ('createdon', $now);
$this->db->set ('type', 'issue');
$this->db->set ('action', 'update');
$this->db->set ('projectid', $issue->projectid);
@ -265,6 +271,8 @@ class IssueModel extends Model
function update ($userid, $issue)
$now = codepot_nowtodbdate();
// TODO: check if userid can do this..
$this->db->trans_start ();
$this->db->where ('projectid', $issue->projectid);
@ -275,7 +283,7 @@ class IssueModel extends Model
$this->db->set ('status', $issue->status);
$this->db->set ('owner', $issue->owner);
$this->db->set ('priority', $issue->priority);
$this->db->set ('updatedon', codepot_nowtodbdate());
$this->db->set ('updatedon', $now);
$this->db->set ('updatedby', $userid);
$this->db->update ('issue');
@ -287,11 +295,11 @@ class IssueModel extends Model
$this->db->set ('owner', $issue->owner);
$this->db->set ('priority', $issue->priority);
$this->db->set ('comment', '');
$this->db->set ('updatedon', codepot_nowtodbdate());
$this->db->set ('updatedon', $now);
$this->db->set ('updatedby', $userid);
$this->db->update ('issue_change');
$this->db->set ('createdon', codepot_nowtodbdate());
$this->db->set ('createdon', $now);
$this->db->set ('type', 'issue');
$this->db->set ('action', 'update');
$this->db->set ('projectid', $issue->projectid);
@ -307,6 +315,8 @@ class IssueModel extends Model
function change ($userid, $project, $id, $change)
$now = codepot_nowtodbdate();
$this->db->trans_start ();
$this->db->where ('projectid', $project->id);
@ -330,7 +340,9 @@ class IssueModel extends Model
$this->db->set ('owner', $change->owner);
$this->db->set ('priority', $change->priority);
$this->db->set ('comment', $change->comment);
$this->db->set ('updatedon', codepot_nowtodbdate());
$this->db->set ('createdon', $now);
$this->db->set ('createdby', $userid);
$this->db->set ('updatedon', $now);
$this->db->set ('updatedby', $userid);
$this->db->insert ('issue_change');
@ -340,11 +352,11 @@ class IssueModel extends Model
$this->db->set ('status', $change->status);
$this->db->set ('owner', $change->owner);
$this->db->set ('priority', $change->priority);
$this->db->set ('updatedon', codepot_nowtodbdate());
$this->db->set ('updatedon', $now);
$this->db->set ('updatedby', $userid);
$this->db->update ('issue');
$this->db->set ('createdon', codepot_nowtodbdate());
$this->db->set ('createdon', $now);
$this->db->set ('type', 'issue');
$this->db->set ('action', 'change');
$this->db->set ('projectid', $project->id);
@ -505,6 +517,8 @@ class IssueModel extends Model
$this->db->set ('owner', $issue->owner);
$this->db->set ('comment', '');
$this->db->set ('priority', $issue->priority);
$this->db->set ('createdon', $now);
$this->db->set ('createdby', $userid);
$this->db->set ('updatedon', $now);
$this->db->set ('updatedby', $userid);
$this->db->insert ('issue_change');
@ -888,7 +902,7 @@ class IssueModel extends Model
$this->db->set ('createdon', codepot_nowtodbdate());
$this->db->set ('createdon', $now);
$this->db->set ('type', 'issue');
$this->db->set ('action', 'update');
$this->db->set ('projectid', $projectid);
@ -917,6 +931,55 @@ class IssueModel extends Model
return $x;
private function _edit_comment ($userid, $projectid, $issueid, $sno, $text)
$this->db->trans_begin (); // manual transaction. not using trans_start().
$now = codepot_nowtodbdate();
$this->db->where ('projectid', $projectid);
$this->db->where ('id', $issueid);
$this->db->where ('sno', $sno);
$this->db->set ('comment', $text);
$this->db->set ('updatedon', $now);
$this->db->set ('updatedby', $userid);
$this->db->update ('issue_change');
if ($this->db->trans_status() === FALSE)
$this->errmsg = $this->db->_error_message();
$this->db->trans_rollback ();
return FALSE;
$this->db->set ('createdon', codepot_nowtodbdate());
$this->db->set ('type', 'issue');
$this->db->set ('action', 'update');
$this->db->set ('projectid', $projectid);
$this->db->set ('userid', $userid);
$this->db->set ('message', $issueid);
$this->db->insert ('log');
if ($this->db->trans_status() === FALSE)
$this->errmsg = $this->db->_error_message();
$this->db->trans_rollback ();
return FALSE;
$this->db->trans_commit ();
return TRUE;
function editComment ($userid, $projectid, $issueid, $sno, $text)
set_error_handler (array ($this, 'capture_error'));
$errmsg = '';
$x = $this->_edit_comment ($userid, $projectid, $issueid, $sno, $text);
restore_error_handler ();
return $x;
function isIssueCreatedBy ($projectid, $issueid, $userid)
$this->db->trans_begin (); // manual transaction. not using trans_start().
@ -926,6 +989,7 @@ class IssueModel extends Model
$query = $this->db->get ('issue');
if ($this->db->trans_status() === FALSE)
$this->errmsg = $this->db->_error_message();
$this->db->trans_rollback ();
return FALSE;
@ -940,7 +1004,63 @@ class IssueModel extends Model
$this->db->trans_commit ();
$issue = &$result[0];
return ($issue->created_by == $userid);
return ($issue->createdby == $userid);
function isIssueChangeCreatedBy ($projectid, $issueid, $sno, $userid)
$this->db->trans_begin (); // manual transaction. not using trans_start().
$this->db->where ('projectid', $projectid);
$this->db->where ('id', $issueid);
$this->db->where ('sno', $sno);
$query = $this->db->get ('issue_change');
if ($this->db->trans_status() === FALSE)
$this->errmsg = $this->db->_error_message();
$this->db->trans_rollback ();
return FALSE;
$result = $query->result ();
if (empty($result))
$this->db->trans_commit ();
return FALSE;
$this->db->trans_commit ();
$issue = &$result[0];
return $issue->createdby == $userid;
function isIssueChangeMadeBy ($projectid, $issueid, $sno, $userid)
$this->db->trans_begin (); // manual transaction. not using trans_start().
$this->db->where ('projectid', $projectid);
$this->db->where ('id', $issueid);
$this->db->where ('sno', $sno);
$query = $this->db->get ('issue_change');
if ($this->db->trans_status() === FALSE)
$this->errmsg = $this->db->_error_message();
$this->db->trans_rollback ();
return FALSE;
$result = $query->result ();
if (empty($result))
$this->db->trans_commit ();
return FALSE;
$this->db->trans_commit ();
$issue = &$result[0];
return ($issue->createdby == $userid || $issue->updatedby == $userid);
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ function show_alert (outputMsg, titleMsg)
width: 'auto',
height: 'auto',
buttons: {
"OK": function () {
'<?php print $this->lang->line('OK')?>': function () {
@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ $issue_file_count = count ($issue->files);
$creole_base = site_url() . "/wiki/show/{$project->id}/";
$creole_file_base = site_url() . "/issue/file/{$project->id}/{$issue->id}/";
$change_count = count($issue->changes);
<script type="text/javascript">
@ -40,13 +42,36 @@ function show_alert (outputMsg, titleMsg)
width: 'auto',
height: 'auto',
buttons: {
"OK": function () {
'<?php print $this->lang->line('OK')?>': function () {
function render_wiki()
creole_render_wiki (
"<?php print $creole_base?>",
"<?php print $creole_file_base?>",
for ($i = 1; $i < $change_count; $i++)
print "creole_render_wiki (
'{$creole_base}', '{$creole_file_base}', false);\n";
prettyPrint ();
$.widget("ui.combobox", {
_create: function() {
var self = this;
@ -184,6 +209,20 @@ function preview_edit_description (input_text)
prettyPrint ();
function preview_issue_change_comment(input_text)
creole_render_wiki_with_input_text (
"<?php print $creole_base?>",
"<?php print $creole_file_base?>",
prettyPrint ();
var work_in_progress = false;
var original_file_name = [
@ -208,6 +247,60 @@ var original_file_desc = [
<?php if (isset($login['id']) && $login['id'] != ''): ?>
function save_issue_comment (comment_no)
if (!!window.FormData)
// FormData is supported
var form_elem_id = '#issue_show_edit_comment_form_' + comment_no;
var sno_elem_id = '#issue_show_edit_comment_sno_' + comment_no;
var text_elem_id = '#issue_show_edit_comment_text_' + comment_no;
var form_data = new FormData();
form_data.append ('issue_edit_comment_sno', $(sno_elem_id).val());
form_data.append ('issue_edit_comment_text', $(text_elem_id).val());
url: codepot_merge_path('<?php print site_url() ?>', '<?php print "/issue/xhr_edit_comment/{$project->id}/{$hex_issue_id}"; ?>'),
type: 'POST',
data: form_data,
mimeType: 'multipart/form-data',
contentType: false,
processData: false,
cache: false,
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if (data == 'ok')
// refresh the page to the head revision
$(location).attr ('href', codepot_merge_path('<?php print site_url(); ?>', '<?php print "/issue/show/{$project->id}/${hex_issue_id}"; ?>'));
show_alert ('<pre>' + codepot_htmlspecialchars(data) + '</pre>', "<?php print $this->lang->line('Error')?>");
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
show_alert ('Failed - ' + errorThrown, "<?php print $this->lang->line('Error')?>");
show_alert ('<pre>NOT SUPPORTED</pre>', "<?php print $this->lang->line('Error')?>");
<?php endif; ?>
$(function () {
@ -670,6 +763,47 @@ $(function () {
<?php if (isset($login['id']) && $login['id'] != ''): ?>
for (var i = 1; i < <?php print $change_count; ?>; i++)
$('#issue_show_edit_comment_form_' + i).dialog ({
title: '<?php print $this->lang->line('Comment')?>',
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
width: '85%',
buttons: {
'<?php print $this->lang->line('OK')?>': function () {
if (work_in_progress) return;
work_in_progress = true;
var id = $(this).attr('id');
var comment_no = id.replace('issue_show_edit_comment_form_', '');
save_issue_comment (comment_no);
work_in_progress = false;
'<?php print $this->lang->line('Cancel')?>': function () {
if (work_in_progress) return;
$(this).dialog ('close');
beforeClose: function() {
// if importing is in progress, prevent dialog closing
return !work_in_progress;
$('#issue_show_edit_comment_button_' + i).button().click(
function () {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
var comment_no = id.replace('issue_show_edit_comment_button_', '');
$('#issue_show_edit_comment_form_' + comment_no).dialog('open'); // @issue_show_edit_comment_form_xxx
return false;
<?php endif; ?>
@ -736,9 +870,16 @@ $this->load->view (
<div id='issue_show_state' class='collapsible-box'>
<div id='issue_show_state_header' class='collapsible-box-header'><?php print $this->lang->line('State')?></div>
<div id='issue_show_state_body'>
<div id='issue_show_metadata_header' class='collapsible-box-header'><?php print $this->lang->line('State')?></div>
<div id='issue_show_metadata_body'>
<ul id='issue_show_metadata_list'>
<li><?php print $this->lang->line('Created on')?> <?php print codepot_dbdatetodispdate($issue->createdon); ?></li>
<li><?php print $this->lang->line('Created by')?> <?php print htmlspecialchars($issue->createdby); ?></li>
<li><?php print $this->lang->line('Last updated on')?> <?php print codepot_dbdatetodispdate($issue->updatedon); ?></li>
<li><?php print $this->lang->line('Last updated by')?> <?php print htmlspecialchars($issue->updatedby); ?></li>
<ul id='issue_show_state_list'>
$type = array_key_exists($issue->type, $issue_type_array)?
@ -778,6 +919,8 @@ $this->load->view (
<div style='clear: both'></div>
@ -838,17 +981,16 @@ $this->load->view (
<div id="issue_show_changes">
$commentno = 0;
$msgfmt_changed_from_to = $this->lang->line ('ISSUE_MSG_CHANGED_X_FROM_Y_TO_Z');
$msgfmt_changed_to = $this->lang->line ('ISSUE_MSG_CHANGED_X_TO_Z');
$count = count($issue->changes);
print '<table id="issue_show_changes_table" class="codepot-full-width-table">';
while ($count > 1)
// TODO: displa changes[0];
for ($i = 1; $i < $change_count; $i++)
$new = $issue->changes[--$count];
$old = $issue->changes[$count-1];
$new = $issue->changes[$i];
$old = $issue->changes[$i - 1];
print '<tr>';
@ -856,21 +998,31 @@ $this->load->view (
print codepot_dbdatetodispdate($new->updatedon);
print '</td>';
print '<td class="updater">';
print htmlspecialchars($new->updatedby);
print '</td>';
print '<td class="details">';
if ($new->comment != "")
print "<div>";
print "<div class='codepot-issue-comment-updater'>";
$user_icon_url = codepot_merge_path (site_url(), '/user/icon/' . $this->converter->AsciiToHex($new->updatedby));
print "<img src='{$user_icon_url}' class='codepot-committer-icon-24x24' /> ";
print htmlspecialchars($new->updatedby);
print "</div>";
printf ("<div class='codepot-issue-comment-actions'><a href='#' id='issue_show_edit_comment_button_%d' class='codepot-issue-comment-action-button'>%s</a></div>", $i, $this->lang->line('Edit'));
print "<div style='clear: both;'></div>";
print "</div>";
$escaped_comment = htmlspecialchars($new->comment);
if(isset($login['id']) && $login['id'] != '')
print "<div id='issue_show_changes_comment_{$commentno}' class='codepot-styled-text-view'>";
print "<pre id='issue_show_changes_comment_pre_{$commentno}'>";
print htmlspecialchars($new->comment);
print '</pre>';
print "<div id='issue_show_edit_comment_form_{$i}'>";
printf ('<input type="hidden" id="issue_show_edit_comment_sno_%d" value="%s" />', $i, addslashes($new->sno));
printf ('<textarea id="issue_show_edit_comment_text_%d" class="codepot-issue-edit-comment" rows="20">%s</textarea>', $i, $escaped_comment);
print '</div>';
print "<div id='issue_show_comment_{$i}' class='codepot-styled-text-view'>";
printf ("<pre id='issue_show_comment_pre_%d'>%s</pre>", $i, $escaped_comment);
print '</div>';
print '<div class="list">';
print '<ul>';
if ($new->type != $old->type)
@ -931,21 +1083,6 @@ $this->load->view (
print '</tr>';
print '<tr>';
print '<td class="date">';
print codepot_dbdatetodispdate($issue->createdon);
print '</td>';
print '<td class="updater">';
print htmlspecialchars($issue->createdby);
print '</td>';
print '<td class="details">';
print $this->lang->line('ISSUE_MSG_CREATED');
print '</td>';
print '</tr>';
print '</table>';
</div> <!-- issue_show_changes -->
@ -971,7 +1108,7 @@ $this->load->view (
<div id='issue_show_edit_description_input'>
<textarea type='textarea' id='issue_show_edit_description' name='issue_show_edit_description' rows=24 cols=100 style='width:100%;'><?php print htmlspecialchars($issue->description); ?></textarea>
<textarea id='issue_show_edit_description' name='issue_show_edit_description' rows=24 cols=100 style='width:100%;'><?php print htmlspecialchars($issue->description); ?></textarea>
<div id='issue_show_edit_description_preview' class='codepot-styled-text-preview'>
@ -1110,47 +1247,6 @@ $this->load->view (
<script type="text/javascript">
function render_wiki()
creole_render_wiki (
"<?php print $creole_base?>",
"<?php print $creole_file_base?>",
if ($commentno > 0)
for ($xxx = 0; $xxx < $commentno; $xxx++)
print "creole_render_wiki (
'{$creole_base}', '{$creole_file_base}', false);";
prettyPrint ();
function preview_issue_change_comment(input_text)
creole_render_wiki_with_input_text (
"<?php print $creole_base?>",
"<?php print $creole_file_base?>",
prettyPrint ();
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ function show_alert (outputMsg, titleMsg)
width: 'auto',
height: 'auto',
buttons: {
"OK": function () {
'<?php print $this->lang->line('OK')?>': function () {
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ function show_in_progress_message (outputMsg, titleMsg)
height: 'auto',
buttons: {
"OK": function () {
'<?php print $this->lang->line('OK')?>': function () {
// do nothing, don't event close the dialog.
@ -381,11 +381,11 @@ function save_wiki_with_confirmation (outputMsg, titleMsg, wiki_new_name, wiki_n
width: 'auto',
height: 'auto',
buttons: {
"OK": function () {
'<?php print $this->lang->line('OK')?>': function () {
save_wiki (wiki_new_name, wiki_new_text);
"Cancel": function () {
'<?php print $this->lang->line('Cancel')?>': function () {
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function show_alert (outputMsg, titleMsg)
width: 'auto',
height: 'auto',
buttons: {
"OK": function () {
'<?php print $this->lang->line('OK')?>': function () {
@ -1,3 +1,27 @@
.codepot-issue-comment-updater {
float: left;
.codepot-issue-comment-actions {
float: right;
.codepot-issue-comment-action-button {
font-size: 75% !important;
textarea.codepot-issue-edit-comment {
-moz-border-radius: 3px;
-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
border-radius: 3px;
border: 0 none;
width: 100%;
font-size: 0.9em;
li.issue-type-defect {
background-color: #D9534F;
color: #FFFFFF;
@ -179,23 +203,38 @@ li.issue-owner {
* issue show
#issue_show_state_body {
#issue_show_metadata_body {
background-color: #FCFCFC;
padding: 1em 1em;
#issue_show_state_body ul {
#issue_show_state_list {
clear: both;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
list-style: outside none none;
#issue_show_state_body ul li {
#issue_show_state_list {
padding-top: 0.2em;
#issue_show_metadata_list li,
#issue_show_state_list li {
padding: 0.2em 0.2em 0.2em 0.2em;
margin: 0 0.2em 0 0.2em;
float: left;
#issue_show_metadata_list li {
background-color: #EAEAEA !important;
color: #000000 !important;
-moz-border-radius: 3px;
-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
border-radius: 3px;
#issue_show_change_form {
@ -229,11 +268,6 @@ li.issue-owner {
#issue_show_changes {
margin-top: 1em;
padding-top: 0.5em;
padding-bottom: 0.5em;
overflow: auto;
@ -246,10 +280,7 @@ li.issue-owner {
#issue_show_changes_table {
min-width: 5em;
width: 1px;
#issue_show_changes_table td.updater {
width: 1px;
vertical-align: top;
#issue_show_changes_table td.details {
@ -304,7 +335,7 @@ li.issue-owner {
* issue home show - edit issue dialog
* issue show - edit issue dialog
#issue_show_edit_description_tabs {
border: none !important;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user