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# This script manipulate the user table in the codepot datbase.
# It doesn't handle LDAP.
use strict;
use Switch;
use Config::Simple;
use DBI;
2022-05-30 01:28:19 +00:00
use Digest::SHA;
my $CFG_FILE = '@CFGDIR@/codepot.ini';
my $QC = '';
sub get_config
my $cfg = new Config::Simple();
if (!$cfg->read ($CFG_FILE))
return undef;
my $config = {
database_hostname => $cfg->param("database_hostname"),
database_port => $cfg->param("database_port"),
database_username => $cfg->param("database_username"),
database_password => $cfg->param("database_password"),
database_name => $cfg->param("database_name"),
database_driver => $cfg->param("database_driver"),
database_prefix => $cfg->param("database_prefix"),
codepot_user_executor => $cfg->param("codepot_user_executor")
return $config;
sub open_database
my ($cfg) = @_;
my $dbtype = $cfg->{database_driver};
my $dbname = $cfg->{database_name};
my $dbhost = $cfg->{database_hostname};
my $dbport = $cfg->{database_port};
my $dbprefix = $cfg->{database_prefix};
if ($dbtype eq 'postgre') { $dbtype = 'Pg'; }
elsif ($dbtype eq 'oci8') { $dbtype = 'Oracle'; }
elsif ($dbtype eq 'mysqli') { $dbtype = 'mysql'; }
elsif ($dbtype eq 'sqlite') { $dbtype = 'SQLite'; }
my $dbstr;
my $dbuser;
my $dbpass;
if ($dbtype eq 'Oracle')
$QC = '"';
$dbstr = "DBI:$dbtype:";
$dbuser = $cfg->{database_username} . '/' . $cfg->{database_password} . '@' . $dbhost;
$dbpass = '';
elsif ($dbtype eq 'SQLite')
$dbstr = "DBI:$dbtype:database=$dbhost;";
$dbuser = $cfg->{database_username};
$dbpass = $cfg->{database_password};
$dbstr = "DBI:$dbtype:database=$dbname;";
if (length($dbhost) > 0) { $dbstr .= "host=$dbhost;"; }
if (length($dbport) > 0) { $dbstr .= "port=$dbport;"; }
$dbuser = $cfg->{database_username};
$dbpass = $cfg->{database_password};
my $dbh = DBI->connect(
$dbstr, $dbuser, $dbpass,
{ RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 0 }
return $dbh;
sub close_database
my ($dbh) = @_;
$dbh->disconnect ();
sub rand_string
my ($length) = @_;
my $chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
my $str = '';
my $size = length ($chars);
for( my $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++ )
$str = $str . substr ($chars, rand($size), 1) ;
return $str;
sub format_passwd
my ($password, $binsalt, $hexsalt) = @_;
2022-05-30 01:28:19 +00:00
my $fmt_pw = '{ssha1}' . Digest::SHA::sha1_hex($password . $binsalt) . $hexsalt;
return $fmt_pw;
sub authenticate_database
my ($dbh, $prefix, $userid, $password) = @_;
my $query = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT ${QC}userid${QC},${QC}passwd${QC} FROM ${QC}${prefix}user_account${QC} WHERE ${QC}userid${QC}=? and ${QC}enabled${QC}='N'");
if (!$query || !$query->execute ($userid))
return (-1, $dbh->errstr());
my @row = $query->fetchrow_array;
$query->finish ();
if (scalar(@row) <= 0) { return (0, undef); }
my $db_pw = $row[1];
if (length($db_pw) < 10) { return (0, undef); }
my $hexsalt = substr ($db_pw, -10);
my $binsalt = pack ('H*', $hexsalt);
#my $fmt_pw = '{ssha1}' . sha1_hex ($password . $binsalt) . $hexsalt;
my $fmt_pw = format_passwd ($password, $binsalt, $hexsalt);
return (($fmt_pw eq $db_pw? 1: 0), undef);
sub add_user
my ($dbh, $prefix, $userid, $passwd, $email) = @_;
my $binsalt = rand_string (5);
my $hexsalt = unpack ("H*", $binsalt);
my $fmt_pw = format_passwd ($passwd, $binsalt, $hexsalt);
$dbh->begin_work ();
my $query = $dbh->prepare ("INSERT INTO ${QC}${prefix}user_account${QC} (${QC}userid${QC},${QC}passwd${QC},${QC}email${QC},${QC}enabled${QC}) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)");
if (!$query || !$query->execute ($userid, $fmt_pw, $email, 'N'))
my $errstr = $dbh->errstr();
$dbh->rollback ();
print (STDERR "Cannot add a user - $errstr\n");
return -1;
$query->finish ();
$dbh->commit ();
return 0;
sub delete_user
my ($dbh, $prefix, $userid) = @_;
$dbh->begin_work ();
my $query = $dbh->prepare ("DELETE FROM ${QC}${prefix}user_account${QC} WHERE ${QC}userid${QC}=?");
if (!$query || !$query->execute ($userid) || $query->rows() <= 0)
my $errstr = $dbh->errstr();
$dbh->rollback ();
print (STDERR "Cannot delete a user - $errstr\n");
return -1;
$query->finish ();
$dbh->commit ();
return 0;
sub toggle_user
my ($dbh, $prefix, $userid, $enabled) = @_;
$dbh->begin_work ();
my $query = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE ${QC}${prefix}user_account${QC} SET ${QC}enabled${QC}=? WHERE ${QC}userid${QC}=?");
my $execok = undef;
if (!$query || !($execok = $query->execute($enabled, $userid)) || $query->rows() <= 0)
my $errstr = $execok? "user not found": $dbh->errstr();
$dbh->rollback ();
print (STDERR "Cannot enable/disable the user '$userid' - $errstr\n");
return -1;
$query->finish ();
$dbh->commit ();
return 0;
sub print_usage
print (STDERR "Usage: codepot-user add user-id password email\n");
print (STDERR " codepot-user delete user-id\n");
print (STDERR " codepot-user enable user-id\n");
print (STDERR " codepot-user disable user-id\n");
my $ARGC = scalar(@ARGV);
my $EMAIL;
my $op = 0;
my $ret = 0;
if ($ARGC >= 1)
if ($ARGV[0] eq 'add')
if ($ARGC == 4)
$EMAIL = $ARGV[3];
$op = 1;
elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'delete')
if ($ARGC == 2)
$op = 2;
elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'enable')
if ($ARGC == 2)
$op = 3;
elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'disable')
if ($ARGC == 2)
$op = 4;
if ($op <= 0)
print_usage ();
exit (2);
my $cfg = get_config();
if (!defined($cfg))
print (STDERR "Cannot load codepot configuration file\n");
exit (1);
my $allowed_to_execute = 1;
my @executors = split (/\s*,\s*/, $cfg->{codepot_user_executor});
if (scalar(@executors) > 0)
for my $executor (@executors)
my $uid = getpwnam ($executor);
if (defined($uid) && $> == $uid)
$allowed_to_execute = 1;
$allowed_to_execute = 0;
if ($allowed_to_execute == 0)
print (STDERR "Not allowed to run this program\n");
exit (1);
my $dbh = open_database($cfg);
if (!defined($dbh))
printf (STDERR "Cannot open database - %s\n", $DBI::errstr);
exit (1);
switch ($op)
case 1 { $ret = add_user($dbh, $cfg->{database_prefix}, $USERID, $PASSWD, $EMAIL); }
case 2 { $ret = delete_user($dbh, $cfg->{database_prefix}, $USERID); }
case 3 { $ret = toggle_user($dbh, $cfg->{database_prefix}, $USERID, 'Y'); }
case 4 { $ret = toggle_user($dbh, $cfg->{database_prefix}, $USERID, 'N'); }
close_database ($dbh);
exit ($ret);